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There is huge potential for data to help tackle major issues, such as the cost-of-living crisis and public health emergencies, but many of these solutions require public trust and support. We believe that the most effective and inclusive way to earn this is through engaging with communities.

We set out on a mission to find a way to not only bring London’s residents into the fold, but the organisations, institutions and local authorities that have the power make the decisions, drive the changes and create the impact as well.

London Data Week was our answer to this – providing a platform and fostering collaboration between the people and the organisations that make London the great city it is.

In 2023, we made it happen for the first time, and we never looked back.

To learn about what happened in our first year, who was involved and our impact, read our report. 

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Meet the team

London Data Week is organised by a small team, made up of colleagues from across our three partner organisations, LOTI, The Alan Turing Institute and the Mayor of London, led by LDW co-founders Jennifer Ding and Sam Nutt

Meet the team

Core Team

  • Nita Parmar – GLA 
  • Jessie Pearce – Turing 
  • Polly Kwok – LOTI 
  • Rosy Hawkins – Turing 
  • Esther Longe – LOTI 
  • Lilian Hughes – Turing 
  • Alice Reid – Turing 
  • Joanna Stacey – Turing 
Core Team

Advisory Board

  • Theo Blackwell – GLA
  • Christine Wingfield – GLA
  • Martine Wauben – GLA
  • Eddie Copeland – LOTI
  • Omid Shiraji – LOTI Fellow & Local Gov CIO Advisor
  • Jeni Tennison – Connected by Data
  • Emma Thwaites – Open Data Institute
  • Giuseppe Sollazzo – Department for Work and Pensions
  • Kirstie Whitaker – Turing
  • Natalie Cramp – Women in Data
  • Jonathan Bright – Turing
Advisory Board