Privacy Notice

London Data Week (LDW) is a citywide festival about data to learn, create, discuss, and explore how to use data to shape our city for the better. It is being organised by the London Office of Technology and Innovation, The Alan Turing Institute and the Mayor of London (‘The London Data Week Team’). The events are being hosted across London by the London Data Week organisers and a range of different organisations and institutions.

If you are an Event Organiser

The London Data Week Team will collect your professional contact details (name, email address) when reviewing and approving your application to host an event.

If you have signed up to our mailing list 

The London Data Week Team will use your email address to send you communications about London Data Week and related events. You can unsubscribe at any time.

If you are attending an event

The Event Organiser hosting the event will collect your registration details and any access requirements as necessary for your attendance. There may be photos, videos and social media posts arising from the events, that may be shared across the London Data Week Team accounts and promotional material. Please contact your hosts if you have any questions or let the London Data Week Team know if you would rather they did not use photographs or recordings of you in this way. You can do this by contacting the London Data Week Team at

Event Organisers may offer to collect equality and diversity information, which will be optional for you to provide. This data will be grouped with that of other attendees and provided as statistics, which will not identify any individuals, to the London Data Week Team. This data is collected to allow the organisers to monitor the diversity of participants and plan future communications and events to reach a wider audience.

Further information

London Data Week Teams’ full privacy notices provide further information including contact details and your rights as a data subject. They are available here:

Turing Privacy Policy

LOTI Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice